Our Story
Didn't all great American ideas start in a garage?

Hello, I'm Mike Madrid.
In the early 80's I worked for the Highway Department for the state of Indiana. I saw a void in locally sourced traffic safety products and services, so I jumped at the opportunity to build something myself. In 1984, I left my job and started The Mike Madrid, Company (MMCO). With a few savvy mentors, family support and a whole lot of sleepless nights off I went, never looking back.
The company matured as did I, and now we're stronger than ever. From our first location in a friends garage to our newest state of the art 20,000 sqft headquarters, we are ready to serve your needs with confidence as the leader in traffic safety services and products.
Here is a look back from The Mike Madrid Company
to Highway Safety Services...
The Steps
2005 - Present
The Mike Madrid Co., Inc. (MMCO)
Rents and sells traffic safety equipment
to highway contractors in Indiana, Illinois,
and Western Kentucky.
After continued explosive growth MMCO was
featured as # 283 in the INC 500 fastest growing
businesses in America
Voted Small Businessperson of the Year by the
Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce
Voted Minority Small Businessperson of the Year
by the Indiana SBA
Finalist as Ernst and Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year
Voted Small Businessperson of the Year by The
Indiana SBA
Served as delegate for Congressman John Myers
to the White House Conference on Small Business
Finalist as Ernst and Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year
Sold Mike Madrid Co to National Equipment Services
(NES) a public company (NYSE)
Mike Madrid starts Highway Safety Services and reenters the
Traffic Safety Market